
Digital Ground: Architecture, Pervasive Computing, and Environmental Knowing

"Digital Ground is an architect's response to the design challenge posed by pervasive computing. One century into the electronic age, people have become accustomed to interacting indirectly, mediated through networks. But now as digital technology becomes invisibly embedded in everyday things, even more activities become mediated, and networks extend rather than replace architecture. The young field of interaction design reflects not only how people deal with machine interfaces but also how people deal with each other in situations where interactivity has become ambient. It shifts previously utilitarian digital design concerns to a cultural level, adding notions of premise, appropriateness, and appreciation."

Författare Malcolm McCullough
Utgiven: 2005
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Pris: 150 kr med frakt, 100 kr vid avhämtning

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Stad: Umeå
Kurs / Utbildning: Interaktionsdesign i extrema miljöer
Skola / Universitet: Umeå universitet
Namn: hanna jonsson
Telefonnummer: 46730377483
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Digital Ground: Architecture, Pervasive Computing